
The reading mode

In this mode, you will find the chapters from the THOSE WHO SERVE novel. We have enriched it for your comfort with the following features:

  • The CONTROL POINTS – Displayed using this symbol :
    these CONTROL POINTS allow you to locate yourself. You can see how far you have got into a chapter using the visual aid. Depending on your device, it will either appear as an overview on the left side of your screen or as a progress bar that fills up as you read, on the top of the screen;
  • The DYNAMIC GLOSSARY – This customisable system gives a brief definition of all the terms that are specific to the world of PANGAR, whether they appear as is or in the form of common expressions that refer to them.

CONTROL POINTS act as signets: if you want to take a break from reading, they will automatically set you back to the last CONTROL POINT that you have encounterd, the next time you click on the ADVENTURE button in the navigation menu.

The DYNAMIC GLOSSARY aims at refreshing your memory throughout your voyage in the world of PANGAR. Four settings are at your disposal:

  • No glossary – This setting deactivates the DYNAMIC GLOSSARY, meaning that no pop-up will appear to describe a PANGAR-specific term;
  • Light glossary – With this setting, only the least frequent words will have a pop-up associated to them. This setting is recommended for those you are already familiar with PANGAR and know most of its more common notions;
  • Medium glossary – With this setting, most of the PANGAR-specific terms will have a pop-up associated to them, except those that appear very often, such as “Legion”, “Lantardia”, “Sunie”, etc. This setting is recommanded for those who are taking their first steps into a Fantasy world;
  • Complete glossary – With this setting, every single PANGAR-specific word will be associated with a descriptive pop-up. This setting is recommanded to help you in a pitch if you forgot about something!

The expressions and words associated with the DYNAMIC GLOSSARY are highlighted. Hover over them or click on them if you want to read their description.

The adventure mode

PANGAR uses the Visual Novel medium to provide you with gameplay. In these phases, you can play as your character, who will be displayed on the left side of the screen. In the wide majority of cases, if you are talking to another character, they will be located on the right side of the screen.

To progress in your ADVENTURE, click on the zone where the text is displayed. If you want to learn more information about a character, click on them, and a brief presentation will appear.

Regularly, you will be asked to choose between several options to make progress in a conversation, or perform an action that is necessary to the story. Click on the option of your choice.

Grayed out choices are inaccessible; restart your ADVENTURE and play differently to unlock them. Who knows, they might lead you to unexpected locations and situations! Some actions might take several ADVENTURES before they have a tangible consequence.

Throughout your stay in PANGAR, your SKILLS and your INVENTORY will reflect your progress. Click on your character to open up your character PROFILE.

Your INVENTORY displays all the ITEMS that you have collected. Hover with your mouse or click on each miniature to read a brief description of them.

You have three different SKILLS:

  • Warrior – Represents your ability to solve situations through physical force, intimidation, weapon mastery as well as military knowledge. Characters you choose MERCENARY as their career will have a heardstart in the WARRIOR skill;
  • Rogue – Characters with a high ROGUE skill are adepts of finesse, persuasion, subterfuge; they are also keen on operating with all sorts of machinery. Choosing the ENGINEER career allows for a higher initial ROGUE skill;
  • Sage – Using their vast knowledge, SAGE characters are able to find the most sensible solution to the problems that might bar their way. This path focuses on brain over brawn. The SURVEYOR career gives a starting bonus in the SAGE skill.

Some interactions with the characters you will encounter throughout your ADVENTURES will enhance your SKILLS. Each time one of them is upgraded, it will allow you to unlock additional dialogue options, or raise your chances to successfully perform an action that relies on this particular SKILL.

Options related to a SKILL are marked using their respective logos, during the choice phases.

If you feel like you are missing an important piece of information when asked to make a decision, or if you have forgotten key moments, you can resume your ADVENTURE using the RESTART button in the hidden menu ◊. It will reset you to the most recent auto-save – immediately after the last choice you had made, in the majority of cases.

When in doubt as to your current objective, feel free to read the recap pop-up using the "?" button of your interface. You can also click on the RECAP button to have an overview of the ongoing ADVENTURE.

To activate or deactivate the music in the ADVENTURE mode, click on the button, located on the bottom left-hand corner of your screen.

The encyclopedia

A genuine collection of all your findings in the world of PANGAR, this section is divided into ENTRIES: each of these will give you more ample details on a particular subject, be it a character, an artefact, a griffin or dragon breed, etc.

Every ENTRY is separated into different SEGMENTS; they represent your growing knowledge. The more important a subject is in the world of PANGAR, the more SEGMENTS an ENTRY has.

The ENTRIES will fill up by themselves; keep exploring the world of PANGAR to unlock their SEGMENTS.

Each time you unlock the second SEGMENT of a character, a short Visual Novel session corresponding to that SEGMENT will become available – we call them VISITS, as they oftentimes involve you visiting the chosen character. Good to know: a second VISIT is available when a third SEGMENT is unlocked.

To play the VISIT you have just unlocked, finish your current ADVENTURE fist; you also need the chosen character to be available. Some characters might take a few chapters to recover from their wounds, reach your current location, and so on.